Monday, October 18, 2010

This is the Spot!

So, as I embark on my "journey", this will be my most usable space to update everyone on where I am, what I've been doing, who and what I've been seeing and what has been happening in the world.

I was just saying today, how I can't wait to just "go". I can't wait for the day where I feel like I can just journey and set off on my own very personal Pilgrimage... I have such big plans for where to go.
On the list, as of now:

Greece - which will be my starting point...
Pretty much all of Europe
New Zealand

I can't imagine I've missed a whole lot; however, I am so willing for the wind to "take me" where I need to go...

My heart yearns for the freedom to just "go"...

May you all have fun following my trip around the world...

Blessings and Namaste,